
Due to Coronavirus, waltonwagner’s office is currently closed. WW is running a remote office with everyone working from home, our hours of business remain the same. This will continue up until the current Government Guidance changes and WW are reviewing this on a regular basis.

With the Covid-19 virus continuing its global march, we think it is important that we share our strategy with you.

We are monitoring the official advice by Public Health England and the government bodies daily and ensuring our team understand the crucial role that everyone will play in protecting against the spread of the virus from a personal and professional manner.

With the government’s move towards daily updates in their efforts to manage the Covid-19 pandemic, we have established ways to minimize the impact on our staff and our clients by working remotely.

With effect from the 20th March all at waltonwagner are working remotely and systems are in place and have been tested, to support this.

All the team are fully available via their mobiles or email. We also have daily virtual ‘team meetings’ with each other to keep up to speed on all projects and team health, welfare and morale. From an office and project perspective it is business as usual in these difficult circumstances.

Click here for more information and contact details.